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AflaSensor nova, the new rapid test for Aflatoxin M1 in cow, goat, and sheep milk

Are your customers testing for Aflatoxin in milk? We have great news for you: AflaSensor nova, the new rapid test for Aflatoxin M1 in cow, goat, and sheep milk. This new KIT041n replaces our classical KIT041, which is discontinued.

AflaSensor nova greatly enhances analytical performance and robustness while maintaining the same test workflow and time to result:
  • 20ppt – 150ppt Sensitivity
  • Empowers infant formula production: KIT041n is fully compliant with the EU regulation for infant preparations (25 ppt).
  • Superior Reproducibility: ensures excellent intra- and inter-batch reproducibility.
  • 10-minute time-to-result: quick detection, essential for effective Aflatoxin risk management.
  • Advanced Robustness: strong robustness against variations in temperature, fat, protein, bacterial content, and somatic cell count.
  • Easy use: 5 simple steps, results read via the ReadSensor 2.
KIT041n has been ILVO validated.
With the AflaSensor Nova, we confirm our mission is to provide smart diagnostic solutions, and pushing beyond.