Logo Unisensor
    2024-03-25 Aurox box - Front

    aurox® assay

    Detection of beta-lactams (including cefalexin) and tetracyclines in milk in 3 minutes
    2024-09-23 Aurox - Open 2 pos

    aurox® Device

    Automated platform for antibiotic detection in milk
    2019-11-04 08.38.06 Extenso Device - APP075

    Extenso Device - APP075

    Detect Antibiotic Residues and Toxins in Milk with a Revolutionary Platform.
    2019-12-11 16.14.29 Extenso Inubator - APP027

    Extenso Incubator Duo - APP027

    Heating block For Extenso Biosticks
    Unisensor-Web-HeatSensor Duo

    HeatSensor DUO - APP032

    Heating block For Unisensor Rapid Tests
    2019-12-11 14.07.39 HeatSensor OCTO - APP052

    HeatSensor OCTO - APP052

    Heating block For Unisensor Rapid Tests
    2017-10-25 10.55.10 - Readip - APP072

    Readip - APP072

    Portable Rapid Test Reader
    2024-06-20 APP073 - Readip 2 - Box mockup - small

    Readip 2 - APP073

    Connected Pocket Test Reader
    2019-11-04 08.38.06 - Equipment - ReadSensor 2 - APP088

    ReadSensor 2 - APP088

    Unisensor's Rapid Test Reader